Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dog Day Afternoon

 A quick bit:

In the spirit of this God-forsaken economical mess I have been doing my best to support those deserving of support.  NOT the auto executives who take their private jets to a bailout meeting with Congress, NOT the banking big wigs who spend $1.2 M redecorating their offices (see,0,6020240.story).  

What douches.  Honestly, I can't think of a more accurate word.  The average home value in Detroit right now sits at $18,000.  Yes, that's for a house.  And these DOUCHES spend $30,000 on their flights to Washington.  Merrill Lynch's former CEO spent $1,405 on his office trash can... which is where Congress should have shredded and stuffed their bailout proposals, instead of handing the moolah over to these pompous bunch of self-inundated assholes.

I'm sorry, I digress.

So, as I was saying... I choose to the "back to basics" support approach.  Where, in these days, people can shop in conglomerated warehouses that sell everything from tofu to toilet paper, I have tried my best to eat at those tiny neighborhood spots, buy breakfast at the corner cafes, and, yes, even get my dog treats from a dog bakery down the street.  I know that one man cannot make a difference, but one man who tell others might be able to keep these "Mom and Pop" operations open a little longer during these bleak times.  

See Spot Eat, to anyone is Nashville looking for great, organic, cheap dog treats... located on Bransford Ave.

Buy local, get to know your neighborhood.  

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