Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Follow Up Tip

Just to offer a little field research to back up my earlier bartender tipping rant...

While wrapping up a great couple of days this past weekend in Baltimore I was getting ready to go back up to the county on Saturday night when I realized, 5 minutes after departing Looney's, that I had forgotten to close out my tab.  I went back to find a locked door, watching the bartenders clean up the bar just after having closed.  

I knocked on the door and told the female bartender from whom I was ordering all night, "I forgot to close my tab" 

to which she replied, "sorry, come back tomorrow"

"I have a flight in the morning"

and the tourette-ick woman repeated, louder, without looking up "COME BACK TOMORROW!"


"Manana!" ahhh, she's bi-lingual

I looked for help from a bouncer who came to the front to see what was going on and yelled through the glass that I had a flight and that she refused to give me my credit card.  The bouncer, surprisingly, talked some sense into the (insert whatever you would have called her here) .

So, after facing defeat, she came out to hand me my card, adding the obligatory 20% tip to unclosed tabs and I was on my way......

Just another bartender that proved my point.

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