Sunday, February 8, 2009

Doggin' It

While Nashville's weather is about as unpredictable as Lindsey Lohan's sexuality, I am fully comfortable with taking advantage of a beautiful seventy and sunny weekend. Even though it might be spitting rain and 33 degrees tomorrow, the current conditions inevitably joggle memories of springtime and everything that comes with it. Shorts and flip-flops, open windows, an afternoon baseball game with a cold beer, and, most of all, a hot dog.

What better food exists than the all-American concoction of mixed beefs and a toasted bun? The rest of the ensemble is up to you. That seems to be the message of the "Dog of Nashville" hot dog joint down the street from Sam's and the McDougle's. And what better way to celebrate an amazing Sunday afternoon than to order up a grilled "Barnyard" dog, complete with pulled pork cole slaw, and BBQ sauce? Wash it down with a cold beer (which they serve) and my day is complete.

The menu is various and leaves room for improvisation. As long as they have the toppings and condiments you can have them make it. A definite must, if you ask me, is the "Rise and Shine" hangover-curing grilled, bacon-wrapped hot dog topped with a melted cheese and a fried egg. Hangover cured, heart-attack imminent. In a rush, order ahead and pick it up. Check out what you want on I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

So next time you see the clouds parting, head down to Belcourt Ave, be a true American, and grab plenty of napkins.

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