Monday, January 26, 2009

Soak up the Nash

The wrong first impression can leave a lasting scar.  I was first introduced to Music City by way of Vanderbilt University.  Sadly, while Vanderbilt is a great place, it does suffer from the "Vanderbubble" effect, keeping students somewhat depraved of the true cultural uniqueness that is Nashville.  

I am now a couple years removed from school and have finally shed the monkey that Vanderbilt put on my back.  I regret the days I wasted at school being wasted at frat houses and house parties rather than soaking in the live music scene at the dozens of venues around town.  

One thing I know for sure.  After seeing people like George Ducas and Ratney Foster, the true song-writers of Nashville (I truly hope you don't think any of those fake artists you see on CMT and MTV actually write their own stuff), I can now truly appreciate the realness of places like Nashville, Austin, New Orleans, Chicago, full of the real musical artists, not to mention the countless number of Nashville neighborhoods and gigs that keep the real music alive.

Wherever you are, whatever city, enjoy its uniqueness, its singularity, and its liveliness.  Every city, no matter, has its own pulse and breath.  Find yours and enjoy it, before you look back and realize you've been visiting too many museums.

Trust Me.

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