Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grab a Skirt

I'm all for doing whatever makes you happy. And by happy, I mean not bored. Boredom, in my opinion is worse than any other feeling or state one can experience. People do a lot of things to avoid boredom. Guys (and girls, I guess) live for the start of the next football season, to fill our weekends with ritualistic meaning. Right now, sadly, is a difficult time for all but two fan-bases.

I suppose, when true desperation kicks in, men are forced outside their comfort zone and react largely out of necessity; the necessity to avoid boredom.

Television is an automatic go-to for most people looking for simple entertainment. With multiple cable companies and hundreds of channels, there is a lot of crap on TV nowadays. It is America and freedom still reigns. However, in this particular case, freedom is an unfortunate thing. I'm talking about grown men watching The Hills.

This epidemic is apparently sweeping Man Caves across the country. Just recently, two of my friends unknowingly came out of The Hills closet when, during a manweekend of beer and football, they started going back and forth about Heidi, Spencer, LC, and whoever else is on the show. At first I thought they were joking. Sadly they were not.

If you find yourself in the uncomfortable situation of dealing with your own friends' Hills coming out parties there are a few things, we, members of the FWDLFWTH (Friends Who Don't Let Friends Watch The Hills) can do. And, yes, you are a member of FWDLFWTH if you A) don't watch The Hills, and B) have friends who throw on a skirt and watch The Hills.

Firstly, you must root out the closet cases and confront their issue... Remember, the first step is getting them to admit they have a problem. Secondly, most obviously, do not, in any way allow talk of or watching of The Hills in your presence. And Thirdly, like a crying child, you must fully ignore your wayward friend if she, I mean he, starts any talk of The Hills.

Together, men, we will get through the football off-season, and do our best to keep our friends from straying. We will battle the will of their girlfriends and win the war against MTV and shitty cable programming.


  1. Just the other day I accidentally flipped to Bromance and I thought to myself, thank god I'm not a faggot. Thank god I don't buy cologne at Sephora (I'm ashamed to admit to knowing they sell it there). Thank god when I'm dragged to Forever 21, I bee-line to Dick's. Now, I'm not an embittered, old schooled jerk who doesn't like to clean up and use after shave. However, the 'men' (and I'm using that term very liberally) on that show make me sad. I read somewhere that men today have 50% less testosterone than men 50 years ago. True or false, I think we all know that the effeminization of man needs to be curbed or we all might end up with 2 sets of lips.

  2. Yes, the guys on Bromance are lame. If you were cool, you would already have true friends. Thus, you wouldnt need to go on MTV to make friends.

    With that being said, Brodie is a smart guy. He gets paid to live a sweet life. Do you really think he hangs out with those MTV guys in real life? No. Its a TV show. The day I date these women, I will talk shit about Brodie: http://www.whosdatedwho.com/celebrities/people/dating/brody-jenner.htm

    At least Brodie doesn't have a blog.

  3. OOOOh snap! I watch the show as a form of entertainment. I also watch shows like Lost Entourage, which are equally as mindless and fake...The truth is that everyone on that show, including Brody, are in it for the fame and money. What's wrong with that? Aren't those staples of American culture? You watch shows like Top Chef and Flipping out, which I would argue are equally as feminine as Watching hot chicks on MTV.
